'Personal assistant on an independent basis under PVB or PAB.

Personal 1-to-1 counselling:
Possibilities include:

- Care tasks ( washing, dressing and undressing, help with toilet use,...)
- Household tasks ( putting administration in order, shopping together,cooking...)
- Assistance with daily activities (transfer from bed to trolley or vice versa, preparing food, helping with eating,...)
- Assistance with daily activities (going out together, ...)
- Organising customised leave
- Organising a customised day trip
- Supervision of sports activities (swimming, hobbies, etc.)

You only pay for the hours worked and thus decide when and how much help you need, allowing you to control your costs.
For my activity, I am exempt from VAT under ART. 44 2.2 of the VAT Code.

As a personal assistant, I would like to offer a comprehensive range of tasks. I would like to assist you to experience and build your daily life as independently as possible, always taking into account your interests and choices.

Personal assistance Thalia