'The VAPH provides allowances for aids and adaptations. You can also apply for directly accessible assistance. This is limited, disability-specific support in the form of assistance, day care or accommodation for those who need occasional help. You do not need to apply for this assistance, you can simply contact a provider of directly accessible assistance. Do you need more care and support? As an adult, you can apply to the VAPH for a personal budget. This budget allows you to buy care from your own network, a home care service, cleaning services, professional care providers or a care provider licensed by the VAPH. For children and young people, there is a personal assistance budget or care and guidance, either at home or with a VAPH care provider.
VAPH -Vlaams Agentschap voor Personen met een Handicap
Marie-Elisabeth Belpairegebouw, Simon Bolivarlaan 17
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
02 249 30 00